From Steampunk to Poetry in 2 days.
The Big Orange Book Festival at Chapman University: A festival for wordies, film buffs and artists in the heart of Orange County.
SEP 21-22, 2012
Chapman University Orange, CA
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Melinda J. Combs
Melinda J. Combs is the co-author of In Service to the Mouse, the business memoir which chronicles Jack Lindquists’ thirty-eight years with The Disney Company. Her essays have appeared in Women’s Best Friend: Women Writers on the Dogs in Their Lives; Far From Home: Father-Daughter Travel Anthology; and Cat Women: Female Writers on their Feline Friends — all published by Seal Press. Her fiction has appeared in Gargoyle, Barely South Review, Fearsome Fascinations 2009 Anthology, A Cappella Zoo and Salome Magazine. During August of last year, she spent a glorious month at Vermont Studio Center working on her memoir. She also teaches at Orange County High School of the Arts in Santa Ana, California.